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A2 Weather Adjectives

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A place where land meets the sea.
The coast
An area of water with land all around it.
A lake.
A very hot, dry place with few plants or trees.
A desert
A long area of water from the mountains to the sea.
A river
A sea between continents
An ocean
Land with water all around it.
An island.
A hot, wet place, with a lot of tall trees.
A tropical rainforest
An area of high land, like a small mountain.
A hill
I can't see my hand in front of my face, it's so ............
It's very ............ in the desert because it never rains.
It was cold yesterday, but it's nice and ............ today. You don't need a coat.
It's very ............ It's great weather for flying kites!
It's really ............ today. The sky's completely white and I can't see the sun at all.
We can't have a picnic because it rained so much this morning. Everything is ............
It's freezing today and the footpath is very ............ Be careful you don't fall over.