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Water Cycle

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The percentage of water vapor that the air contains at a certain temperature is ____.
Relative humidity
True or False: Cold air holds more moisture than warm air.
False. Warm air holds more moisture.
What needs to be added or removed to change water from gas to liquid or vice versa?
heat (thermal energy)
True or False: Lake Erie is an example of a "salt" lake.
False. Lake Erie is a freshwater lake.
True or False: Warm air rises.
True or False: Water vapor is visible to humans.
False. Water vapor can only be seen when combined with aerosols.
What causes the directions of airflow on Earth?
Earth's rotation
Most of our weather here in Pennsylvania comes from ___.
Canada -- the westerlies bring air down from Canada into the U.S.
When trade winds hit a mountain range, what can happen?
a rain shadow can form -- perhaps create a desert area
Where does our fresh water come from?
evaporation and condensation
Where is most of the water on Earth located?
The oceans
What part does gravity play in the water cycle?
The force of gravity helps drive the motion and cycling of water through the water cycle.
Name three of the places where water can be collected.
Teacher Check: lakes, rivers, streams, glaciers, ocean, groundwater
What part does the sun play in the water cycle?
The sun provides the energy that drives the water cycle.
What is another name for the water cycle?
Hydrologic Cycle
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
Name two things that drive the motion and cycling of water through the water cycle.
1. The suns energy 2. The force of gravity