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Camp Hilltop stories 1 and 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why does LIz have to be back by six?
pack for camp
Whose plants go ruined by the ball?
Mrs. Dunn
How do you know Liz is good at kickball?
kicks runs
What season do you think it is when Josh is putting dirt in the pots?
What were the kids doing at Nick's?
Where did Liz want to go?
What did Dash chase?
the gulls
Why was Dash sad?
wanted people food
What was Mr. Beck watching
the gulls
Did Mr. Beck catch any fish?
What was Mr. Beck doing?
What does Mrs. Beck compare the kids to?
What did Liz and Josh do to cool off?
went in the water
How do you know that Liz and Josh are having fun?
running, playing
What were Liz and Josh looking for by the rocks?