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Master 1 - Vocabulary Lesson 1C
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the expression for "something that gets you out of a difficult situation or that you couldn't have managed without or something that helped me greatly in that situation"?
What's the expression for "having a great time"?
having the time of your life
What's the expression for "every kind of social background"?
all walks of life
What's the expression for "a reality or something you must accept"?
a fact of life
What's the expression for "it always happens to me"?
the story of my life
What's the expression for "arrived back at the starting point"?
come full circle
What's the expression for "help people relax at the start"?
break the ice
What's the expression for "you can't see the faults in the person you love"?
love is blind
What's the expression for "an obvious result"?
a foregone conclusion
What's the expression for "not significant"?
neither here nor there
What's the expression for "a search for something that couldn't be found"?
a wild goose chase
What's the expression for "I can do anything I want to"?
the world is my oyster
What's the expression for "is past its best"?
has seen better days
What's the word for "with a big personality"?
What's the word for "for all one's life"
What's the word for "realistic"?