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BE4 Phrasal Verb Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My teacher *_____ out* that I had made some mistakes with the assignment.
pointed out
After she finished marking it, my teacher ___ ____ my essay.
gave back / handed back
Although they were difficult I managed to *get _____* the exams without failing.
get through
I missed a year of school so I need to work hard to _____ up ____ my classmates.
catch up with
Raúl doesn´t like doing housework so he *____ out* of doing it by pretending he has homework.
gets out
He wasn´t happy with the course so he _____ ____ after first term.
dropped out
Tom´s university course didn´t *____ up ___* his expectations.
live up to
It´s getting harder for student to *____ away ____* copying essays from the internet.
get away with
Do you remember that old shop on the corner? They´ve _____ it _____ a café!
turned (it) into
I entered the competition for fun. I never though I´d ____ ___ winning first prize!
end up
My jumper has got two big holes in it so I think I´m going to *____ ____ of* it.
get rid of
How common is it for people to *____ away* items of clothing in your country?
give away
Our flight leaves early tomorrow so we´ll need to make sure we *____ off* for the airport early.
set off
_____ yourself __ a biscuit if you´d like one - I just made them this morning.
Help (yourself) to
I never buy jeans without _____ them __ first to make sure they´re the right size.
trying (them) on
Chantal *____ up with* the brilliant idea of selling her old clothes in the market on Sunday.
came up with
Do you usually *____ for* the same shops when you go shopping?
head for