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Seedbed 2 - Book A1 - Lessons 1 & 2 Atelier &Pal ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it?
It is "wait for your turn".
If you try again, what trait do you have?
You have grit!
How do you spell this word?
What is Matt's sister's name?
It is Amanda.
What is it?
It is "pick up the book, please".
What is it?
It is "pass me the pencil, please".
What can you do on/with paper?
I can _____________.
Is this "paint" a verb, noun or adjective?
It's a verb.
Is this "paint" a verb, noun or adjective?
It's a noun.
What did Matt see?
Matt saw a mess.
What is it?
It's "it's your turn".
What is it?
It is "I am done!"
What can you do in a house?
I can ___________ in a house.
What is it?
It is "here you are".
Who does Matt help in the story?
Matt helps his mom clean and helps his dad cook.
What is the color green for?
Green is for the trees.
In our story, where are the grandparents going?
The grandparents are going to Matt's house.
How many fingers do you have?
I have 10 fingers.
What character trait do you have if you're excited?
You have zest.
What food do you like to cook?
I like to cook ___________.
Is this word a verb, noun or adjective?
"Clean" is a verb.
What does the teacher say?
"Bring me your homework, please."
What color is it?
It is blue.
How do you spell this word?