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How well do you real know harry potter

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What is Ron Weasley's middle name?
Where do Harry, Ron and Hermione find Ravenclaw’s Diadem?
The Room of Requirement
What is the name of the powder thrown into a burning fireplace to move around?
Floo Powder
What did Molly Weasley send to Ron for flying the magic car to school?
A Howler
Which dark wizard did Albus Dumbledore defeat in 1945?
What house was Moaning Myrtle in?
was Voldemort related to Malfoy?
yes he was Malfoy's uncle because he got married to bellatrix and bellatrix was Malfoy's mother Narcissa'ss sister
To which high school were the Dursley's planning on sending Harry before he received his invitation letter to Hogwarts?
stonewall high
In Harry Potter and the philosophers stone is Draco Malfoy's father still a death eater
Who does Dudley really marry?
Cho Chang