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This shape will move clockwise. That means we must turn the coordinate plane in which direction?
left -- counterclockwise
Name the transformation: translation, rotation, or reflection
Name the transformation: translation, rotation, or reflection
Describe how you would complete this problem:
individual answers
What are the steps needed to rotate an image?
1. write directions from origin to points ; 2. rotate coordinate plane ; 3. plot new points with original directions ; 4. rotate coordinate plane back
Describe what steps are needed to translate this shape.
move each point to match the directions given
What causes an object to move?
unbalanced (unequal) forces
Watch the GIF. Who has the larger force -- the woman or man? How do you know?
The woman has the larger force because the man moves. The forces are unbalanced.
The apple falls on the woman's head. What force is this an example of?
Name a simple machine.
a lever; a pulley; a wheel & axle; inclined plane
Simple machines (pulleys, levers, etc.) require a person to use more or less force to move an object?
Simple machines require LESS force.
A person falls on a patch of ice. Is this due to too much or not enough friction?
not enough friction
Explain what "gravity" is.
a force that pulls objects to earth's center; our mass is the amount of gravitational force
Explain what "friction" is.
a force that slows down & can stop a moving object
What's your Social Studies teacher's name?
Mrs. Stockton
What is your English teacher's name?
Ms. Harris
What is your math teacher's name?
Mr. Caruso
What is your science teacher's name?
Mr. Rospo
Which day of the week is Ms. Walkuski's favorite?
What is Ms. Walkuski's favorite breakfast food?
bagels & cream cheese