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Japanese Occupation PH

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What is the slogan used by the "The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere"
The Japanese occupied this area in 1932. Starts with letter "M"
When did the end of the battle of Bataan happened?
April 9, 1942
Name 3 diseases that spread during the fall of Bataan and corregidor
diarrhea, malaria and avitaminosis or deficiency in vitamin C
USAFFE were called "POW", which means?
prisoners of war
True or False: During the Death March, soldiers walk from Mariveles, Bataan to Camp O’Donnell in Baguio.
Capas, Tarlac
He surrendered Corregidor to the Japanese
General Edward King
He led the USAFFE
Jonathan Wainwright
President of the Philippines during the war
Manuel L. Quezon
True or False: Around 78,000 POWs walked the 80-mile route, passing through the towns of Limay, Balanga, and Orani in Bataan, and Lubao toward San Fernando in Pampanga during the Death March
They were ordered to face the Japanese and provide them with what they asked for, except for vowing loyalty to them.
Jorge B. Vargas and Jose P. Laurel
When did Japanese fully occupied the Philippines?
January 2, 1942
What is the meaning of "Open City"
a city that is not occupied or protected by military forces. Under international law, an open city may not be bombed or attacked
This event triggered the declaration of war by the US against the Japanese.
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
What is the objective of the USAFFE
To be the main defense of the country against the threat of the Japanese.
This is the joint force of American and Filipino soldiers headed by General MacArthur.
Unites States Army Forces in the Far East or USAFFE
This aimed to improve and to promote cultural and economic unity among East Asians.
The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere