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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's Adam's favourite animal?
What's Adam's favourite Minecraft character?
What is Adam's favourite game?
When is Adam's birthday?
on the 22 of June
What's Adam's favourite sport?
Can Adam play basketball?
Yes, he can.
Can Adam play table tennis?
Yes, he can.
Has Adam got a dog?
Yes, he has.
Does Adam like vegetables?
Yes, he does!!
Does Adam brush his teeth every day?
Yes, he does!
What's Adam favourite colour?
Does Adam love Miss Karolina?
Yes, he does!!
Has Adam got sea sickness?
No, he hasn't.
Has Adam got a Lamborghini?
Yes, he has!
Has Adam got a sister?
Yes, he has.
Did Adam move to a new house?
No, he didn't.
What's Adam's favourite food?
Does Adam like dolphins?
Yes, he does.
Can Adam dance?
Yes, he can.
Can Adam swim?
Yes, he can.
What's Adam's favourite book?
Przygody Kaczora Donalda
Has Adam got a tree in his room?
Yes, he has.
What's Adam's favourite cartoon? Star Wars, Lego NinjaGo or Barbie?
Star Wars
Has Adam got a book to read?
Yes, he has.
What does Adam like better? Preschool or school?