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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Penguins are the _______________ birds in the world. (friendly)
Penguins are the friendliest birds in the world.
This is the _________ pizza  ever . (delicious)
This is the most delicious pizza ever. 
Sarah is the ________ student at Maths. (talented)
Sarah is the most talented student at Maths.
The Nile is the ___________ river in the world. (long)
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
Bon Jovi is the _______________ singer in the USA. (popular)
Bon Jovi is the most popular singer in the USA.
My sister is the __________ of my family. (short)
My sister is the shortest of my family.
My dog is the ______________ pet . (amazing)
My dog is the most amazing pet. 
I think Naim SĂŒlaymanoğlu is the ______________ athlete. (famous)
Naim SĂŒleymanoğlu is the most famous athlete. 
My sister thinks "Happy Feet" is the _______________ ( funny) animation. 
My sister thinks "Happy Feet" is the funniest  animation. 
My father is the ________ of my family. (tall)
My father is the tallest of my family.
The blue whale is the ____________ animal. (big)
The blue whale is the biggest animal.
My cousin thinks spaghetti  is the ____________ food. (delicious)
My cousin thinks spaghetti  is the  most delicious food. 
My mother is the ________________ woman in the world. (beautiful)
My mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. 
My friend thinks French is the __________________ school subject. (difficult)
My friend thinks French is the most difficult school subject. 
AtatĂŒrk is the _______________ leader ever! (great)
AtatĂŒrk is the greatest leader ever! 
Rapunzel's hair is the _______________ (long) hair. 
Rapunzel's hair is the longest  hair. 
My brother thinks Tarkan is the _______________ (cool) singer. 
My brother thinks Tarkan is the  coolest singer. 
Mount Everest is the _________ mountain in the world. (high)
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
My mother thinks Bradley Cooper  is the ________________ actor.  (handsome)
My mother thinks Bradley Cooper  is the most handsome actor.
I think "Jurassic Park" is the ________ film ever. (good)
I think "Jurassic Park" is  the best film ever. 
I am the ____________ person in my family. (brave)
I am the bravest person in my family.
"The Lord of the Rings" is the _______________ book I have ever read. (interesting)
"The Lord of the Rings" is the most interesting book I have ever read.
She is the ____________ girl in our class. (intelligent) 
She is the most intelligent girl in our class.
Jupiter is the _________ planet in our solar system. (big)
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
My baby sister is the ______________ (pretty) baby of all!
My baby sister is the prettiest  baby of all!