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Science Unit 5- 4th grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The whole lego design has a mass 93 grams. If we break it apart and find the mass of each part, what can we predict the mass of the sum of its parts will be?
93 grams
If a container of 6 erasers weighs 75 grams and each eraser weighs 11 grams, how much does the container weigh?
9 grams
If a pencil box containing 10 pencils weighs 50 g. and each pencil weighs 4 grams, how much does the box weigh?
10 grams
What happens when water condenses?
It changes from water vapor into liquid water
Which is a metal that is magnetic?
iron, steel, cobalt, nickel, and a few others
What process changes a solid into a liquid?
What process turns a liquid into a solid?
What is it called when a gas changes back into a liquid?
How are the particles in a gas arranged?
They are far apart. They spread out to fill the entire space of a container.
How are the particles in a liquid arranged?
They are loosely packed together. A liquid will change shape if moved to a different container.
How are the particles in a solid arranged?
Particles in a solid are tightly packed together. They keep their shape even when moved.
Why does water disappear off of a hot sidewalk?
It evaporates, it changes into a gas called water vapor
What is a word that could be used to describe the texture of a substance?
Texture is how something feels. Possible answers smooth, rough, gritty, bumpy, sticky
What are 3 properties used to classify matter?
Possible answers: color, hardness, shape, size, taste, texture, odor
When the south end of a magnet gets close to the south end of another magnet, what happens?
The magnets will repel each other (move apart).
When the south and north end of two magnets get close to each other, what happens?
the magnets will be pulled together
Space taken up by an object is its ___________.
What happens when you rub a magnet on a nail 30 times, then move the nail close to another nail?
The first nail has become magnetized and now it will attract (move towards) the 2nd nail.
What is an example of a temporary magnet?
an electromagnet or a nail that has been magnetized
The process of a gas changing into a liquid
They process of a liquid changing into a gas
The idea that you cannot make or destroy matter is called _______.
law of conservation of mass
Amount of matter present in a certain volume of a substance
The amount of matter in an object is its __________.
Anything that takes up space and has mass.