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Vietnam Festival

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Which type of animal is traditionally used in the New Year’s day parade?
The Vietnamese use a calendar system of certain animals, one for each year. How many animals are there in this calendar?
What color is considered as a lucky color in Lunar New Year?
What kind of flower represents spring in the South?
apricot blossom
At Tet, people go to ….. to pray for health, luck and happiness. (a. Pagodas b. Churchs)
a. Pagodas
what is this?
lucky money
Where is the Hung Temple Festival held? a, Hung Temple, Viet Tri City, Nghe An Province b, Giong Temple, Hanoi City, Phu Tho Province c. Hung Temple, Viet Tri City, Dong Nai Province d, Hung Temple, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province
d, Hung Temple, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province
What is the date of the "Thanh Giong Festival"?(a.April 9 of the calendar,b.April 9 on lunar calendar,c.april10 of the lunar calendar,d April 8 of the calendar)
b.April 9 on lunar calendar
what is another name of lunar new year
what food is this
chung cake
what tree do we plant in our house in tet holidays(north Vietnam)
peach blossom
what do we do to celebrate new year?
fire work
what food do we eat the most on tet holidays(a.birthday cake,b.french fries,c.chung cake,d.ice cream)
c.chung cake