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London and America

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Смотри! Он собирается прыгнуть в бассейн!
Look! He is going to jump into the swimming pool!
Мы уезжаем сегодня.
We are leaving today.
Переведите: Они еще не встречали мою сестру.
They haven't met my sister yet.
Переведите: Мы уже помыли пол.
We have already washed the floor.
Name two writers who were burried on the Poets Corner?
Dickens and Kipling
What is it?
It is Elizabeth's Tower (Big Ben).
What is it?
Buckingham Palace
What is it?
Westminster Abbey
What is it?
the Tower of London
What was Tower in its history?
It was a fortress, a palace, a zoo, a prison. Now it is a museum.
What is the political centre of London?
Westminster is the political cetre of London.
What is the financial centre of London?
The City is the financial centre of London.
What is the official residence of the British Queen?
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the queen.
Where is Admiral Nelson's column situated?
It is situated in Trafalgar Square.
What is the new name of Big Ben?
Elizabeth's Tower
Where is Poet's Corner situated?
Poet's Corner is situated in Westminster Abbey.
Where were the English kings and queens burried?
in Westminster Abbey
What is the address of the British Prime Minister?
10 Downing Street
What birds live in the Tower of London?
Black ravens live in the Tower of London.
When was the Great Fire of London?
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
Who conquered Britain in 1066?
William the Conqueror did.
What bridge did the Romans build across the Thames?
They built the London Bridge.
Where is London situated? (river)
London is situated on the Thames.
Who built London?
The Romans did.
What was the old name of London?
The old name of London was Londinium.