Edit Game
3º Trimester II

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ movie makes me cry.                 A) This        B) Those
A) This
______ 5 fruits are delicious!              A) That        B) These
B) These
Choose the correct option:  A) the boys’ jacket   B) the boys jacket    C) the boys’s jacket
A) boys’ jacket 
Choose the correct option:   A) Diegos toys b) Diegos’ toys C) Diego’s toys
C) Diego’s toys
Zoe ___ Tonatiuh are our new classmates! ? (AND / OR / BUT / SO)
I want an ice cream, ___ I don’t have money. (AND / OR / BUT / SO)
I eat cereal ___ the morning. (IN / ON / AT)
I will sleep ___ 9:30 pm today. (IN / ON / AT)
I have swimming classes ___ Tuesdays. (IN / ON / AT)
Find the adjective --- Those tennis shoes are amazing.
Which 2 verbs in past are correct?  a) went     b) go     c) walk     d) ate
a) went      d) ate
Which 2 verbs in past are correct? a) do     b) cried    c) sleep    d) studied
b) cried    d) studied
My mom made spaghetti yesterday    a) period     b) question mark     c) exclamation point
a) My mom made spaghetti yesterday.
Hurry up  ---   a) period    b) question mark    c) exclamation point
c) Hurry up!
How are you today   --- a) period   b) question mark   c) exclamation point
b) How are you today?
Which word needs a capital letter: 1) mango   2) isabela   3) door   4) bicycle   5) milk
2) Isabela
My friends _____ (like/likes) video games very much.
Gerardo ______ (run/runs) really fast.
I want ____ (a/an) puppy for my birthday.
This is ___ (a/an) activity that you have to enjoy.