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Jean-Michel Basquiat Story Questions

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Jean Michel was famous for showing ______ through his art
Where did Jean-Michel's mother like to take him when he was young?
Did Jean-Michel's paintings sell for a lot of money or for a little bit of money?
A lot of money
How old was Jean-Michel when he died?
What is graffiti?
Graffiti is something written, scratched, or drawn on subway cars, buses, or walls in public spaces.
What did Jean-Michel love to draw when he was young?
What did Jean-Michel make that was shown in museums in New York?
Who encouraged Jean-Michel's interest in art?
His mother
When he was a teenager, Jean-Michel started to create ______ on buildings and trains in New York City
Where did Jean-Michel grow up?
New York City
What was Jean-Michel's job?
Painter/ Artist