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Upper extremities part 2

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what structure shown for radial deviation?
medial side
what structures shown for ulna deviation?
scaphoid and joint open
how is pt positioned for radial deviation?
toward radius
how is pt positioned for ulna deviation?
towards ulna
where is the CR for radial deviation?
where is the CR for ulna deviation?
what are the special views of the wrist?
ulna deviation and radial deviation
what structures are shown for wrist xrays?
distal mc, 8 carpals, and proximal radius and ulna
how is pt positioned for lateral wrist?
90 degrees
how is pt positioned for oblique wrist ?
45 degrees
how is the pt positioned for PA wrist?
Curl fingers
where is the CR for any wrist xray?
what are the different views for wrist xrays?
PA, Oblique and Lateral
what are the structures shown for lateral hand?
FX and FB (fractures and foreign bodies)
how is the pt positioned for lateral hand?
90 degrees
where is the CR for lateral hand?
2nd mcp
what are the structures shown for PA and Oblique hand?
14 phalanges, 5 mc, 8 carpals, distal r&u
how is the pt positioned for oblique hand?
45 degrees
how is the pt positioned for PA hand?
0 degrees
the 3rd MCP is the CR for what views of the hand?
PA and Oblique
what are the different views for the hand?
PA, Oblique, Lateral
What technique will you sure for fingers, hand and wrist?
what are the structures you will see for any finger xray?
DIP, PIP, MCP, all open joints, head of metacarpal, proximal/medial/distal phalanx, and soft tissues
how is the pt positioned for lateral finger?
90 degrees
how is the pt positioned for oblique finger?
45 degrees
How is the pt positioned for PA finger?
0 degrees
Where is the CR for any finger view?
what are the different views for finger?
PA, Oblique and Lateral
what are the structures shown for acute flexion of the forearm?
radius and ulna
where is the CR for acute flexion of the forearm?
perpendicular to forearm. 2" above olecranon
what structures are shown for acute flexion of the humerus?
how is the pt positioned for acute flexion of the humerus?
where is the CR for acute flexion of the humerus?
Perpendicular to humerus, 2" above olecranon
what structures shown for partial flexion of forearm?
proximal r & u
how is the pt positioned for partial flexion of forearm?
cant extend
Where is the CR for partial flexion of the forearm?
perpendicular to forearm
What structures are shown for partial flexion of the humerus?
distal humerus
Where is CR for partial flexion for humerus?
perpendicular to humerus
What are the special views for humerus and forearm?
partial flexion and acute flexion
what structures are shown for lateral elbow?
fat pads and olecranon process
how is the pt positioned for lateral elbow?
90 degrees
Where is the CR for lateral elbow?
Perpendicular to elbow joint
What view allows the radial joint to be in profile?
oblique lateral view of elbow
How is the pt positioned for lateral oblique?
45 degrees, thumb to table
Where is the CR for lateral oblique of elbow?
Perpendicular to elbow joint
What structures shown for medial oblique of elbow?
Coronoid in profile
How is pt positioned for medial oblique of elbow?
45 medially
Where is the CR for oblique medial view of elbow?
Perpendicular to elbow joint
What is the technique used for elbow?
What are the structures shown for AP elbow?
Distal humerus, proximal r & u
How is the pt positioned for AP elbow?
0 degrees
Where is the CR for AP elbow?
Elbow joint
What are the different views of the elbow?
AP, oblique medial, oblique lateral, and latereal
what are the structures shown for lateral forearm?
elbow joint, r & u, proximal carpals
how is the pt positioned for lateral forearm?
90 degrees
Where is the CR for lateral forearm?
mid forearm
What technique is used for forearm?
what are the structures shown for AP forearm?
Elbow jt, r & u, prox carpals
How is the pt positioned for AP forearm?
0 degrees
Where is the CR for AP forearm?
Mid forearm
What two views for the forearm?
AP and Lateral