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Upper extremities

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What are the structures shown for lateral scapula?
Flex elbow behind the back for acromion and coracoid. Arm across the chest for body of the scapula
How is the pt position for lateral scapula?
RAO or LAO 45-60 degree from the IR
Where is the CR for lateral scapula?
IR 2" above the shoulder, medial border of the protruding scapula
What are the structures shown for AP scapula?
Entire scapula
What is the breathing technique for AP scapula?
Slow respiration
How is the pt position for AP scapula?
Place the arm over head to move the scapula lateral
Where is the CR for the AP scapula?
IR 2" above the shoulder, or 2" below the coracoid
What are the two views for scapula?
AP and Lateral
What are the structures shown for axial clavicle?
axial view of the clavicle
What is the breathing technique for axial clavicle?
How is the pt positioned for axial clavicle view?
Lordotic position
Where is the CR for axial clavicle?
0-15 degree ceph angle to the inferior border of the clavicle 15-30 degree ceph if the patient is supine
What technique is used for clavicle?
What are the structures shown for AP clavicle?
Entire clavicle
What is the breathing technique for AP clavicle?
how is the pt position for AP clavicle?
AP upright or supine
Where is the CR located for AP Clavicle?
midshaft of the clavicle
What are the two views for the clavicle?
What view is appropriate when a dislocation is expected?
Scapula Y
What are the structures shown for scapula y view?
humeral head superimposed over the junction of the Y. Proximal humerus, coracoid, acromion, and scapula
How is the pt position for scapula y view?
Body is anterior and rotated 45-60 degree, so that the scapula forms a 90 degree plain to the IR
Where is the CR located on the Scapula Y view?
Scapulahumeral joint
What are the structures shown for inferior/superior axial view?
Scapulohumeral jt, coracoid, lesser tubercle in profile and AC jt
How is the pt positioned for inferior/superior axial view?
arm abducted, arm external rotated, build up the shoulder 3"
Of the special views of the shoulder, which view requires a grid over the IR?
Inferior/Superior axial
Where is the CR for inferior/superior axial view?
Horizontal 15-30 degrees though the axial
What view is appropriate when a fracture is expected?
Transthoracic lateral view
What is the technique used for special views of shoulders?
Proximal humerus, clavicle and scapula are the structures shown for which view?
Transthoracic lateral
What is the pt position for transthoracic lateral view?
injured are against the IR, uninjured are about the head
Where is the CR of the transthoracic lateral view?
Surgical neck and midcoronal plane
What are the special views of the shoulder?
Transthoracic lateral, inferior/superior axial and scapula Y
What are the structures shown for internal view of shoulder?
Lesser tubercle
How is the pt positioned for the internal view of the shoulder?
Posterior side of the hand against the hip
For the internal view of the shoulder, where is the CR?
IR 1" above the shoulder or 1" below the coracoid
What are the techniques used for the shoulder views?
What are the structures shown for external shoulder view?
Greater tubercle
What is the pt position for external shoulder view?
Anatomical position
Where is the CR for the external shoulder view?
IR 1" above the shoulder or 1" below the coracoid
What are the two views for shoulder?
External and internal
What are the structures shown for lateral humerus?
Lesser tubercle
How is the pt positioned for lateral humerus?
Anterior side of the hand against the hip (tea cup)
Where is the CR for the lateral view of the humerus?
IR 1 1/2" above the shoulder or 1" mid-humerus
What technique is used for AP and Lateral humerus?
What are the structures shown for AP humerus?
Greater tubercle
How is the pt positioned for AP humerus?
Anatomic position
Where is the CR for AP humerus?
IR is 1 1/2 above the shoulder of mid-humerus
What are the two views of the humerus?
AP and Lateral