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Natural Selection

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Camouflage and mimicry are examples of
Large, flightless birds like the Ostrich and Emu evolved similarly due to similar _____________________.
The Glyptodont is an example of
a fossil
Domesticated dogs are an example of
Artificial Selection (selective breeding)
The more genetic variation a population has, the more likely it is for the population to _______________.
True/False - All traits are adaptations.
False - some traits are not adaptations; Ex: the red color of blood
True/False - A trait is only useful to a population if it can be passed on to future generations
Natural selection works directly on genotype/phenotype (choose 1)
Phenotype - the physical traits
The term for a group of similar organisms that can reproduce and make fertile offspring
Survival of the Fittest was proposed by this English naturalist
Charles Darwin
The differences among a species, like different shaped turtle shells, are called
By having these (insert term we learned), organisms can have increased fitness
Give an example of an artificially selected organism
(open - up to teachers discretion, answers vary)
When an animal breeder or farmer chooses the best traits to produce a better livestock they are using the process of
Artificial Selection
Phrase that goes with "the fittest don't die out and therefore reproduce and pass on their genes"
Survival of the Fittest
These are the remains of organisms that lived long ago and can be connected to organisms that live in the modern time
The Galapagos tortoises showed that species vary _______________ .
True/False - Evolution by natural selection is a scientific theory.
True! It's been tested with experiment many times from multiple lines of inquiry and accepted
Give an example of an adaptation
(open - up to teachers discretion)
The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in their environment
Traits that allow an organism to survive and reproduce in their environment
The name of the process where organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
Natural Selection
True/False - Organisms decide to change over time
False! The environment shapes organisms
True/False - Individuals evolve over time
False! Populations evolve, not individuals
The change in a population over time is called