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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me 1 way to make a healthy choice when you eat at a fast food restaurant.
Drink water, grilled instead of fried, fruit cup, salad
You should have no more than _______ teaspoons of sugar each day.
Girls: 6 Boys:9
What information can you find on the nutrition facts label?
Serving size, calories, nutrients, fat, protein, sugar, carbs, etc
How many food groups should breakfast include?
What does breakfast mean?
To break your fast; to start eating again.
What vitamin is a partner with Iron?
Vitamin C
What is the most important meal of the day?
How many cups of fruit do we need each day?
1.5 cups
How many cups of vegetables do we need each day?
Girls: 2 cups Boys: 2.5 cups
What nutrients do we get from grains?
Iron and Fiber
How much grain foods do we need each day?
Girls: 6 ounces Boys: 6-7 ounces
Name the 3 parts of a whole grain.
Bran, Germ, Endosperm
Name 2 food from the Grains group.
bread, rice, cereal, pasta, tortilla, crackers, quinoa,
What is the only way to make muscles bigger and stronger?
Physical activity
Why do we need protein?
To grow muscles and repair skin.
Name 2 foods in the Protein group.
Beef, turkey, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, peanut butter
How many servings of dairy foods do we need every day?
3 cups
Why is calcium important?
Builds strong bones and teeth.
Name 2 foods from the Dairy group.
Milk, yogurt, cheese....
What mineral is found in Dairy Foods?
What is the Temperature Danger Zone?
40 degrees to 140 degrees. Bacteria grows most rapidly.
Name a Food Safety rule.
Wash hands, keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold, wash fruits and vegetables before eating, keep surfaces clean
What is Food Safety?
The steps we take to reduce the amount of bacteria on our food.