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Unit 5 Exam Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you give four examples of mammals?
cat, dog, dolphin, rabbit, human.....
Animals that can regulate their blood temperature independent of their environment are __________________.
warm blooded
What kind of symmetry do vertebrates have?
bilateral symmetry
How does a scavenger feed? What is an example?
On the dead bodies of other animals. Vultures, hyenas, insect larvae
What is the difference between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores?
carnivores eat other animals, herbivores eat plants, omnivores eat animals and plants
Animals can be classified according to the source of their food. What are these three classifications?
Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores.
All animals, with the exception of sponges have either radial or bilateral ________________.
What does "heterotrophic nutrition" mean?
To feed on other living things or their remains
Can you give two examples of protists?
protozoa, multicellular and unicellular algae, amoeba....
Can you give two examples of Fungi?
mushrooms, mould, yeasts
What is the cell type of the monera kingdom?
What is the cell type of the protist kingdom?
What type of cellular organization does the fungi kingdom have?
unicellular or multicellular
What type of cellular organization does the Monera Kingdom have?
What type of nutrition do plants have?
Autotrophic nutrition
What type of nutrition does the animal kingdom have?
What are the 5 Kingdoms of life?
Animal, Plant, Fungi, Monera, Protist
Why are mules sterile?
Because they are the offspring of two different species: a horse and a donkey.
For a tiger, the scientific name is "Panthera tigris". What level of taxonomy does "Panthera" refer to, and what level does "tigris" represent?
Panthera- genus/ tigris- species
Binomial Nomenclature uses two words from what language to name each species?
The scientific system that is used to NAME living things is called ________________.
Binomial nomenclature.
A ___________ is a group of living things that are physically similar and can produce fertile descendants.
_________________ is the science of classifying living things.
Can you name the levels of Cellular Organization? cells -> ________ -> _________ -> ________
tissues, organs, organ systems
There are two principal groups of Living things based on complexity. They are _________________ and __________________.
Multicellular and Unicellular