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President Trump could end legal abortion by appointing a Supreme Court justice who wants to overturn Roe V Wadw
President Trump can make a law to end abortion.
Before Marbury V Madison, the role of the Supreme Court was very clear. (T/F)
Marbury V. Madison established the principle of judicial Review (t or f)
The idea that the Judicial Branch can declare laws and actions of the executive Unconstitutional
Judicial Review
Wisconsin sues Minnesota for pollution which kills fish in the Saint Croix River. Where is this case heard?
Supreme Court
Jane sues the school district for violating her 1st Amendment rights. Who has jurisdiction here?
Federal COurt
Billy is charged with counterfeiting. Where would this case go?
Federal trial (district)
John steals money from his employer and loses in state trial court. He argues that he should get a new trial because Wisconsin law was not followed. Where would the case go?
State appeal court.
John steals money from his employer. Where would this case be heard.
State trial.
A case which is used to set an example or rule
What is the job of the Judicial Branch?
Interpret the law
How many justices are on the Supreme COurt
When a justice agrees, bur for a different reason.
Concurring opinion
The winning side in a case (the opinion of most justices)
When a justice disagrees with the majority
A view on a case which the justices write down.
When all justices on the Supreme Court are in agreement
The right to hear a case