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giving advice TB 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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. / You / ask / your parents for help / should
You should ask your parents for help.
Do / have to / ignore / you / friend requests / ?
Do you have to ignore friend requests?
with strangers / . / You / aren't / allowed to / chat
You aren't allowed to chat with strangers.
allowed to / ? / Are / comment / you / on pictures
Are you allowed to comment on pictures?
please unscramble this sentence: share / mustn't / You / your password /
You mustn't share your password.
Exclamatory question: See you later.a. formal b. informal
b. informal
Exclamatory question: I hope we speak again soon. a. formal b. informal
a. formal
Exclamatory question: How cool! a. formal b. informal
b. informal
Exclamatory question: Hi, everyone. a. formal b. informal
b. informal
Exclamatory question: That was wonderful! a. formal b. informal
.a. formal
Exclamatory question: Hello, everyone.a. formal b. informal
a. formal
Please advice to your friends : You are allowed to.......
Please advice to your friends : I’m not allowed to.......
please unscramble this sentence: well/research / should/ /You. topic /your
You should research your topic well.
please unscramble this sentence:online/not allowed to/ eight /after/I’m / go /o’ clock./
I’m not allowed to go online after eight o’ clock.
please unscramble this sentence: phone / your /mustn’t/post/number/ online./You
You mustn’t post your phone number online.
I want to be rich, you have to...........
I want to improve my English, you must......
I want to get a pet, you should..........
I can't sleep at night you should.........