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Judicial Branch

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How many of Supreme Court justices must agree to hear a case from a lower court?
What is a Writ of Certiorari?
An order from the Supreme Court to a lower court to send up a case for review.
What are the Constitutional requirements of Supreme Court justices?
They must be nominated by the President and approved by the Senate.
Explain the difference between criminal and civil cases.
Liability vs. Guilt, 50% at fault vs. Beyond a reasonable doubt, divorce/contracts vs. criminal acts,
Which courts have jurisdiction over child custody, divorce, criminal and juvenile cases.
State Courts
Over which cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction?
Possible answers: Lawsuit between two states or case involving an ambassador of the U.S.
Cases involving copyrights and patents are heard by which courts?
Bryce loses his case in a trial court. Where can he turn to have someone else hear the case?
Appeals Court
When the court rules whether something is constitutional or unconstitutional, the Supreme Court is using what power?
Judicial Review
How does a federal judge get his job?
They are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate.
Why do federal judges serve for life?
Lifetime appointments allow judges to do what is right under the law without fearing that they will be fired if they make an unpopular decision.
How does the legislative branch check the president's power to appoint judges?
Senate must confirm the president's judicial appointments.
Identify a check that the judicial branch has on the other two branches.
Supreme Court can declare law of Congress or action of President unconstitutional. Chief Justice serves as judge in Senate impeachment trial.
When ruling on a case, what do Supreme Court justices base their decisions on?
Constitution and/or precedents
True of false: The Constitution clearly defines the role of the judicial branch and its organization.
False - The Constitution provides only a "skeletal" framework for the courts.
If Joe Biden appoints another Supreme Court Justice, what type of political ideology will they likely have? Liberal or conservative?
Conservative - because Trump is conservative
What types of cases does the Supreme Court typically hear?
Possible Answers: cases with major implications, cases having to do with rights or constitution, appeals from lower courts
What effect did Marbury v. Madison have on the Supreme Court?
It established the power of judicial review or strengthened the court.
Of the thousands of requests it receives each year, about how many cases does the Supreme Court hear each year?
A Supreme Court justice who agrees with the majority, but for a different reason might write a __________ opinion.
The role of the judicial branch is to _________ the law.
interpret (explain the meaning of)
A Supreme Court justice that disagrees with the majority writes a ________ opinion.
An ______ opinion is when all the Supreme Court justices are in agreement.
____________ is the authority of a court to hear a case.