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3 Words, 1 Food

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Animals, red, protein (food)
Meat 肉 ròu
Fruit, drink, healthy (drink)
Juice 果汁 guǒ zhī
seasoning, sweet, white (food)
Sugar 糖 táng
Sweet, small, treats (food)
Candy 棒棒糖 bàng bàng táng
Italian, bread, cheesy (food)
Pizza 比萨饼 bǐ sà bǐng
spiky, tropical, yellow (fruit)
Pineapple 菠萝 bō luó
Long, orange, rabbit (vegetable)
Carrot 胡萝卜 hú luó bo
Italian, noodles, meat (food)
spagetti 意大利面 yì dà lì miàn
clear, drink, glass (drink)
water 水 shuǐ
diary, sour, white (food)
yoghurt 酸奶 suān nǎi
Halloween, carve, orange (food)
Pumpkin 南瓜 nán guā
yellow, monkey, bunch (fruit)
banana 香蕉 xiāng jiāo
cold, summer, sweet (food)
ice-cream 冰淇凌 bīng qí lín
small, white, bowl (food)
rice 米饭 mǐ fàn