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Tales of a 4th grade nothing

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Fudge's real name?
What is Peter and Fudge's last name?
What city does Peter live in?
New York
What is the name of Peter's best friend?
Jimmy Fargo
Who is the girl Peter does NOT like?
What is the name of one of Fudge's friends?
Ralph, Sam, Jennie
Why did Fudge jump off the jungle gym at the playground?
He thought he could fly
Why did Fudge have to go to the hospital?
He ate Dribble
What was Peter's Turtle called?
What is the name of Mr. Yarby's company?
What nickname did Peter give Fudge after he lost his teeth?
What does Peter name his dog?
What is the name of the elevator attendant in the building?
What does Fudge to Mr. Yarby's suitcase?
puts stamps
Why did Peter's mom leave the family for the weekend?
To visit Aunt Linda and her baby
What did Fudge do to Peter's poster?
Scribbles magic marker
What saying did Fudge learn from his father when he refused to eat
"Eat it or wear it"
What was the name of Peter's dad's secretary
What was the movie that dad took the boys to about?
What does Peter want on his bedroom door?
a lock