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Basic Liner Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would happen to the slope of y=2x+3 if was multiplied by 5
The line would be steeper
What would happen to the slope of y=2x+3 if was multiplied by -1
The line would go down instead of up
Explain how to get 2x+3y=12 into slope intercept form. Be specific
subtract 2x and then divide every thing by 3. The answer is y=-2x+4
Explain how to graph. Be specific
On the x-axis go right 5 make a dot. On the y-axis go down 12 make a dot.
What kind of linear function has a slope of zero?
What kind of linear function has a slope of undefined?
What form do you use to find another linear equation?
point slope form
What kind of line is x=10
vertical (if you said straight you are out of the game)
What kind of line is y=13?
horizontal (if you said straight you are out of the game)
Explain how to graph this linear equation. Be specific
1st plot your yint of 4 then rise up 2 and run right 3
What is the slope of a perpendicular line?
opposite reciprocal
What is the slope of a parallel line?
the same
What would you do to find the intercepts from this equation? Be specific
divide by 48
What does the b in this equation mean?
What does the m in this equation mean?
What formula is that?
What linear equation is that?
standard form
What linear equation is that?
point slope form
What linear equation is that?
slope intercept form
What linear equation is that?
intercept form