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Simple and Complex Machines

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Simple or Complex?
Simple or Complex?
Simple or Complex?
Simple or Complex?
Simple or Complex?
Complex Machine
Identify the simple machine: it changes the direction of motion to which the force is applied
A Pulley
Identify the simple machine: Something that helps things move across the ground more easily
A wheel and axle
Identify the simple machine: A stiff bar that rest on a fulcrum
A lever
Identify the simple machine: A triangular shaped tool ending in a sharp point
A wedge
Identify the simple machine: A inclined plane wrapped around a center post
A screw
Identify the simple machine: A slanting surface that connects a lower level to a higher lever
An inclined plane
Name all 6 of the simple machines?
(1) Levers, (2) Pulley, (3) Wheel and axle, (4) Wedge, (5) Screw, and (6) An inclined plane
How many simple Machines are there?
What is a Machine?
A machine is something that helps us do work with less effort
Identify the simple machine? (Pictured: A well)
A pulley
Identify the simple machine?
A pulley
Identify the simple machine? (Pictured: a crane)
A pulley
Identify this simple machine?
A wedge
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a knife)
A wedge
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: an axe)
A wedge
Identify this simple machine?
A wheel and axle
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: captains use this on a ship to steer)
A wheel and axle
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a ferris wheel)
A wheel and axle
Identify the simple machine? (Pictured: a fan)
A wheel and axle
Identify this simple machine?
A screw
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a lightbulb)
A screw
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a jar)
A screw
The arm is an example of which simple machine?
A lever
Identify this simple machine, it is an inclined plane and a...? (Pictured: a spiral staircase)
A screw
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a water faucet)
A screw
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a corkscrew)
A screw
Identify this simple machine, it is a screw and a....? (Pictured: a spiral staircase)
An inclined plane
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a slide)
An inclined plane
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a skateboarder)
An inclined plane
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a moving truck)
An inclined plane
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a ramp)
An inclined plane
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a shovel)
A lever
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a see-saw)
A lever
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: scissors)
A lever
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a pair of pliers)
A lever
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a light switch)
A lever
Identify this simple machine? (Pictured: a hammer pulling a nail)
A lever