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Week of Feb 22 Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Harlem Renaissance was a creative movement of African American musicians, artists, and writers living in which major US city?
Harlem, New York City
There were many changes socially in the 1920s. What is one of those changes?
Answer individually.
Carter G Woodson created "Negro History Week" in 1926, which became known as Black History Month. Why is this significant?
Answer individually.
Buying stock (part of) a company allowed people to increase their wealth. What happened when the Stock Market crashed in 1929?
People lost their savings, many became jobless and homeless during the Great Depression
Some considered the 1920s a depressing time with struggles. What was negative during this decade?
Answer individually
Some considered the 1920s a "roaring" good time. What was positive during this decade?
Answer individually
The 1920s was a period of new technology. What was 1 new item used in households?
electric iron, toaster, radio, refrigerator, vacuum
The 19th Amendment gave women the right to ________. Another term for this movement was "women's suffrage."
The 18th Amendment banned the production & sale of ________. It was a time called Prohibition.
Identify the transformation in this image. How do you know?
Identify the transformation in this image. How do you know?
Identify two forces in this situation.
Push; and friction
Are the forces of the man and woman equal? How do you know?
The woman is stronger, because she pushes the man out of the way. The man moves. Movement = unbalanced forces.
What type of force is demonstrated by the cat?