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Genesis 1:1-5

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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5. God named the light “_ _ _” and the darkness “_ _ _ _ _.” Evening passed, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ came. This was the _ _ _ _ _ day.
day, night, morning, first
4. God _ _ _ that the light was _ _ _ _. So he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the light from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..
saw, good, divided, darkness
3. Then God said, “_ _ _ there be _ _ _ _ _!” And there _ _ _ light.
Let, light, was
2. The earth was _ _ _ _ _ and had no _ _ _ _. Darkness covered the _ _ _ _ _, and God's _ _ _ _ _ _ was moving over the _ _ _ _ _.
empty, form, ocean, spirit, water
1. In the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ God created the _ _ _ and the _ _ _ _ _
beginning, sky, earth