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Conversation about Weather (Spring)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Windy, spring days are good for flying kites.
Yes that's true. Try it!
If it's gusty outside it is very windy.
What do you do on a rainy day?
What can you do on a sunny, warm, day?
I can.....
If the sky looks threatening you see dark clouds.
"They're calling for rain" means it could rain today.
If you can't see very far outside it might be foggy.
Right you are!
When it's humid outside you might feel wet.
Correct! Humidity is water in the air.
Watch the news on TV to know the weather for the day.
Yes, that's a good idea.
A way to describe a rainy day is "It's nasty outside."
Yes, that would work.
 "I can see my breath!" means it's warm outside.
No, you see your breath when it's cold outside.
Ask someone, "How's the weather?" before you go out.
"It's raining cats and dogs!" means its raining hard.
Yes, better stay inside.
The sun is bright what do you need to protect your eyes?
I need my sunglasses.
"It's a scorcher today!" is something to say when it's warm.
No. A scorcher is a very hot day!
You hear the sky is overcast. Is there a chance of rain?
"It's drizzling out there" is a way to say it's not raining very much.
Yes, that's right. You probably don't need an umbrella.
You might say, "There's not a cloud in the sky!" on a sunny day.
Yes, that's a nice day indeed!
"It's below zero!" describes a warm spring day.
No! It's not freezing on a warm spring day.
"It's really coming down!" is a way to say it's not raining much.
No. You better have an umbrella if it's really coming down!
"It's warming up out there"is a way to say the weather is getting warmer.
If there's a downpour it's raining hard.
Yes, a downpour is a heavy rain.