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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I will be disappointed if he ........................ (not come)
doesn't come
If I ................ (not pass) my exam, I .................. (not get) a better job.
don't pass / won't get
She ..... (stay) in London if she .... (get) a job
will stay / gets
If Rick ... (drive) too fast, he ... (have) an accident
drives / will have
She ... (not be able to) sleep if she ... (watch) that horror film
won't be able to / watches
They .... (not forgive) you if you .... (not say) you are sorry
won't forgive / don't say
If we .... (be) late, we .... (take) a taxi
are / will take
Reorder the words to make sentences.
July / will / to / they / the / go / beach / in / ?
Reorder the words to make sentences.
beach / will / go / to / they
Reorder the words to make sentences.
? / you / bowling / will / go / tonight
Complete the sentence
The tennis player ________________________ (compete) for the World Cup.
Complete the sentence
Next Saturday night Sonia ____________________ (have) dinner with some friends.
Complete the sentence
This time next week Helen ____________________ (travel) to Brazil with her husband.
Reorder the words to make sentences.
you / tomorrow / will / what /do / ?
Complete the sentence
The weather is bad. They __________ won't go out for a walk. They ______ __________ at home.
Complete the sentence
It's Sunday. We ___________ go to school.
Reorder the words to make sentences.
you / do / will / homework / your / ?
Reorder the words to make sentences.
he / study / will / hard / ?