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Nizami Ganjavi

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is Nizami Ganjavi National Museum of Azerbaijanian Literature situated?
in Baku
Which books does 'Iskandarnameh consist of?
'Sharafnameh' and 'Igbalnameh'
Whom did Nizami dedicate his poems to?
To the rulers of the country
Which poem is about the Persian ruler Bahram Gur?
Seven beauties
What is the motif of Nizami's poetry?
What buildings in Baku are named after Nizami?
Nizami cinema, Nizami metro station, National Museum of Azerbaijanian Literature
Where is Nizami Mausoleum situated?
in Gandja
Who are the three characters in the poem 'Khosrov and Shirin'?
King Khosrov, Princess Shirin and master Farhad
Which poem is about a famous Arabic legend?
Leili and Medjnun
Which poem is about Alexandre the Great?
What is the name of Nizami's first poem?
Treasury of Mysteries
How many poems does Khamsa consist of?
5 poems
What language did Nizami write his works in?
What is Nizami's real name?