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science 2.1 and 2.2 6h grade

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is the SI unit for measuring the density and formula
kg/m3. formula D=mass/vol
measurement of how much mass is contained in a given volume?
formula to find a volume?
L x W x H
what is the SI unit for measuring volume of a solid?
what is the SI unit for measuring volume of liquid?
define volume
is the amount of space an abject takes up
1 gram =? mg
1 kilogram =?grams
1,000 grams
Explain how weight and mass are different even thought they are related.
Mass is constant. Weight is changing. Weight changes based on the amount of gravity acting upon it. You weigh less on the moon than you do on earth.
define weight
weight is the measure of FORCE OF GRAVITY acting on an object. We use a scale to measure the weight.
mass is measure in what unit?
mass means what?
is the amount of matter in an object
meter is used to measure what?
length, from one point to another.
metric system
this is a measurement system based on the number 10. This system is used in the US. It is used to measure things like, mass, length, and volume.
prefix means small
International System of Units (or SI)
a type of metric system that modern scientist use. The prefixes are used to determine size (larger or smaller.)
metric system
this is a measurement system based on the number 10. This system is used in the US
Why is a STANDARD UNIT of measurement important in Science?
This allows scientist to COMPARE DATA and communicate with each other about their results.