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Dividing Fractions!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Roy got a 25/30 on his test, what percentage grade did he get?
83% C
What is a comparison of a quantity to 100 called?
What is a comparison of a quantity and 1 called?
unit rate
What is a comparison of two quantities?
What is the name of the "whole" side of the fraction bar? (bottom)
What is the "part" side of the fraction bar called? (top)
What are the 3 steps to answering a fraction division problem?
Keep, Change, Flip (take the reciprocal)
What is the name of the answer to a division problem?
What is the name of the answer to a multiplication problem?
What is the name of the answer to an addition problem?
What is the name of the answer to a subtraction problem?
What is the reciprocal of 7/12?
What is the reciprocal of 5/8?
Amanda has a board that is 7 feet long. How many 1/4-foot long sections can she cut from this board?
28 sections
Draw a rectangle model representing 4 ÷ 2/5.
(Teacher check for correctness!)
What is the value of 4 ÷ 2/5?
Using a number line, model the quotient 3/4 ÷ 6.
(Teacher check for correctness!)
3/5 ÷ 1/10= ?
When presented with the problem 3/5 ÷ 1/10, You can think "How many ____s are in ____?"
1/10; 6/10
You can use a common denominator and rewrite 3/5÷1/10 as ____ ÷ ____.
6/10 ÷ 1/10
Write a division expression that the number line model represents?