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A tasty tradition

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The Japanese have always looked upon..........as one of the main influences of................
the mother/ a child's success
Obento should include food that the child would normally eat. True or False
Obento should be pleasing to the eye and portions should be small. True or False
Name an established regulation for Obento in nursery schools?
They should be easy to eat with chopsticks or fingers
Who takes great pride in creating obento?
What is food shaped like in Obento boxes?
Food is shaped like flowers, animals, and sometimes even cartoon characters
Obento boxes have been part of Japanese society since the 10th century when people used to take a packed lunch with them to work. True or False?
What does Obento contain?
Four parts rice, three parts meat or fish, two parts vegetables, and one part fruit.
Which country is Obento from?
What is Obento?
Obento is a kind of food