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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does co-responsibility mean?
1) Active participation 2) Timely access to your CLMS 3) Avoid being absent, coming late or leaving ealier 4) Be aware of the IC norms
What's the user and password of paideia idiomas?
User: idiomas-icvirtual Pass: idiomas-icvirtual
Where can you find all the information about classes?
In paideia idiomas
What are the basic classroom rules?
- Speak only English - You can't eat in class. - You can't use your cellphones.
Are tardiness and absences justified?
No, they aren't.
What happens if you accumulate 8 hours absent?
You don't take the final exam.
What happens if you come to classes after 15 minutes?
It's considered 1h absent.
What's the maximum tolerance for being late?
15 minutes
On what day of classes are the special assignments due?
Booklet : Day 4 CLMS: Day 8 (12:00AM) AST: Day 8
What are the 3 basic evaluations?
1) Participation 2) Special Assignments 3) Final Exam
Where can you see the rubrics and guidelines of classes?
In paideia idiomas.
What are the 3 special assignments?
1) My progress booklet 2) CLMS 3) Active Speaking Task
Is participation only certain days?
No, it isn't. It's permanent and everyday.