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Agenda & Minutes

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The minutes must record - items of discussion that was _ _ _ _. (4 letter word)
A meeting can have added items besides those in the agenda. True or False?
True. Added discussion items can be listed under any 'other matters/business'..
List 3 ways to record details of a meeting.
hand notes, video recording, audio recording
Why are the minutes of a meeting important? Give any three reasons.
legal protection, drive action, measure progress, state ownership of project, reminder of project, serves a a reference, time saving, corporate defense
Describe minutes of a meeting.
Meeting minutes are notes that are recorded during a meeting. The minutes of a meeting are usually taken by a designated member of the group.
Name any three functions of an agenda.
inform of a meeting, help attendees decide to attend or not, help attendees prepare, provide a structure for discussion, allows chair to control the meeting
Who is the person who prepares the documents in a meeting?
What are the two documents required in a meeting?
Agenda & Minutes