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Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job!
Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job!
Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job!
Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job!
Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job!
Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job!
Skill Challenge. Perform the skill for 30 seconds to get 25 points
Good Job
True or False. When dribbling you can use 3 parts of your foot.
When making a short pass you should____
A. Use the shoelaces of your foot B. Use the instep of your foot C. Pick up the ball and throw it
When trying to score from long distance your foot should_________________
A. The foots shoelaces should contact the ball with toes pointed up B. The foots shoelaces should contact the ball with toes pointed down. C. Use instep
True or False. The 3 skills to being a good soccer player are dribbling, passing, and shooting.
What are the benefits of playing soccer?
A. Increases aerobic capacity B. Lowers body fat C. Increases bone and muscle strength D. All of the above
True or false. Soccer is a sport that was first played in the USA
False. Soccer was first played in China, Greece, and Rome 2000 years ago
What is the job of the goalie on a team?
A. To score B. To keep the score C. To stop the other team from scoring
How many Players are on each team
A. 11 players per team B. 5 players per team C. 3 players per team