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5th. Unit 1: LIVING THINGS.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you call an organism with many cells?
Plants make their own food from sunlight and water. What is this process called?
The two main groups of animals are _______________.
Vertebrates and invertebrates.
Animals are unicellular. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE! They are multicellular.
Bateria are in the ______________ group.
The __________ controls the cell and contains all the genetic information.
Tissues work together to form________
____________ are the building blocks of life.
Can you name the five kingdoms?
Protists, monera, fungi, animals and plants.
Scientists classify all living things into six kingdoms. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. 5 kingdoms!
Most cells work with other similar cells to make layers, known as...
Systems are made up of...
Animal cells and plant cells have exactly the same structure. TRUE OR FALSE?
It is a storage space for the cell. A) Cell wall. B) Vacuole. C) Nucleus.
B) Vacuole.
All living things are made up of ___________. Only we can only see them with a microscope, they are very important.
We can find the cell wall and the chloroplasts in... A) Animal cells. B) Plant cells.
B) Plant cells.