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First Aid; Medical Emergencies

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A hiker has frostbite on his hand. You should immediately warm the area by putting the hand in hot water and rubbing the skin vigorously. True/False
Which condition is most serious?
heat stroke
heat cramps
heat exhaustion
You are at the beach and are stung by a jelly fish. You should rinse the area with hot water or vinegar. True/false
What type of bite should never be treated with ice?
snake bite
You are bitten by a dog and it breaks your skin. How should you treat this?
wash with soap and water, control bleeding, apply dressing, apply ice
You are stung by a bee. How should you remove the stinger?
With the dull edge of a card
If a person gets a burn on the face or hands, promptly apply burn cream. True of False?
A woman burns her arm on her curling iron. What should she do to control pain from the burn?
run it under cold water
A soccer player turns his ankle and is complaining of pain. What should you do for this injury?
A girl gets a concussion when playing softball. When can she resume her normal activities?
When cleared by a physician
A man is having a seizure. You have called 911. What else should you do to help him?
remove objects which may injure him, protect head
A girl suffers a traumatic amputation of her finger. What should you do with the amputated finger?
gently rinse, wrap in gauze, place in bag, place bag in another bag with ice/water, label bag
A boy has a nail sticking out of his arm. You call 911. What else should you do?
Don't remove the nail, control bleeding by applying pressure with gauze around the nail.
An adult's tooth is knocked out. What should you do with the tooth before bringing it to the dentist?
wrap in plastic wrap; put in saliva, cow's milk, or oral rehydration salt solutions
What 2 directions should you give to a person with epistaxis?
tilt head forward, pinch nostrils
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a person experiencing shock
weak, faint, dizzy, feel nauseated, or thirsty, pale/graying skin, cyanosis, altered LOC, confusion/agitation, skin cold and clammy, low urine output
A man suffers a traumatic amputation of his arm. He is hemorrhaging and you need to use a tourniquet. Where should you place the tourniquet
About 2 inches above the bleeding area
A victim has a laceration and is bleeding. You apply pressure to the wound. The bleeding continues. what should you do?
Apply more gauze and pressure- do not remove the original gauze
What is the first thing that you should do to control bleeding?
apply direct pressure to the bleeding area
Name 2 types of PPE
mask, gloves, goggles, face shield, gown
In general, you should not move an injured person. Give one example when you SHOULD move a victim
if scene is dangerous, if you need to do so to give care
Who see a person who you believe needs first aid care. The person refuses your help. What can you do?
Call 911; stay near in case person collapses (then you can treat)
You provide first aid to a victim. In general, you may not share information about the victim with anyone. Give one example of when you MAY share confidential information.
Need to know basis (other EMTs, nurses, etc...); when required by law
What law protects first aid providers (not professionals) from being sued?
Good Samaritan Law
You suspect that an individual is having a stroke. What should you do?
call 911; make sure that scene is safe
How should you dispose of bloody gloves and bandages?
put in red, biohazard bag (or follow your institution's policies)
How should you dispose of an epi-pen after using it?
sharps container or give it to EMS personnel for disposal
Describe where on the body that an epinephrine auto-injection (epi-pen) should be used.
outer thigh, midway between hip and knee
What medication is used to treat a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)?
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a severe allergic reaction
difficulty breathing, swelling of tongue/lips, low BP, loss of consciousness
Name 2 signs/symptoms of a mild allergic reaction
sneezing, itching, hives
What should always be your first concern when approaching the scene of an accident?
scene safety
A classmate is having a seizure. Somebody is calling 911. Name one other thing that you can do for your classmate.
Prevent from harming self- put something under head
A friend is feeling faint. What position should he be placed in?
sit and put head down between knees or flat on back (can also elevate legs)
This medical emergency occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted (either due to a clot or hemorrhage)
What does the mnemonic FAST stand for in terms of recognizing signs/symptoms of a stroke.
Face, Arm, Speech, Time
What over the counter medication should be given if you suspect that a person is having a heart attack?
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a person having a heart attack
chest pain, dyspnea, tachycardia, excessive sweating, nausea, light headedness
Name 2 signs/symptoms that somebody is in cardiac arrest
unconscious, no pulse, no breathing (or only gasps)