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Modifying the Environment

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What are the negative consequences of adding chemicals to crops?
increased pollution of the environment
Why are herbicides added to crops?
kill unwanted plants like weeds
Why are pesticides added to crops?
kill insects and other pests that eat the crops
Why are fertilizers added to crops?
Helps crops grow
What is a negative consequence of building dams?
Can lead to flooding of homes and relocation of those close
What is a positive consequence of building dams?
prevent floods and store water for time when it is needed later
Why were the wetlands being drained?
increase the amount of land to farm on
What is the negative consequence of cutting down a forest?
can cause soil erosion
Why is the forest being cut down?
Provide needed lumber for building homes also creating farmland
What is one negative consequence of destroying the wetlands?
The wetlands filter is removed and does not trap pollutants
What are wetlands?
large areas with shallow water and soggy soil
to destroy or take down
to build
natural materials or chemical added to soil to help plants grow
a chemical used to kill insects
a chemical used to kill weeds or other unwanted plants
Negative consequence
a bad thing that happens
Positive consequence
a good thing that happens
to change