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2 step number stories

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Abhinav is picking flowers for his teacher. He picks 38 daisies, 14 roses and 29 sun flowers. How many flowers did Abhinav pick for his teacher?
81 flowers
There 78 ducks swimming in a pond. 25 ducks flew away. Later on, 36 more ducks came to the pond to swim. How many ducks are still in the pond?
89 ducks
Arjun has 55 toy cars and Avni has 26 toy cars. They took their toy cars to the park and 15 toy cars went missing. How many toy cars are left?
66 toy cars
There are 88 students at Gateway School, 14 in lower school and 34 in middle school. How many in high school?
40 students in high school
Abhinav spotted 25 birds on his balcony, 12 flew away. A few minutes later, 8 more birds showed up. How many birds are there now?
21 birds
At the park, I saw 37 animals, I saw 12 dogs, 15 cats and some iguanas. How many iguanas did I see?
10 iguanas
At a candy store, Ms. Zara bought 25 blue candies, and 36 red candies. She gave 14 candies to her brother. How many candies does she have left?
47 candies
There were 18 volleyballs in the bag and 13 volleyballs in the basket. 10 balls were used for practice. How many balls were not used?
21 volleyballs were not used
A fisherman caught 27 fish in the morning, he threw 5 back because they were too small. He caught 12 more in the afternoon. How many fish did the fisherman catch by the end of the day.
34 fish
There were 46 balls on the playground. 20 were footballs, 15 were basketballs. The rest were tennis balls. How many were tennis balls?
11 tennis balls
Abhinav made 43 stars to decorate his room. He used 21 stars on the ceiling and 10 on the door. How many stars does he have left?
12 stars
The toymaker made 23 toys last night and 42 toys today. They were wrapping the toys up and a box fell, 14 toys broke. How many toys are left?
51 toys
Arjun spent 45 minutes playing football, 23 minutes watching tv and 30 minutes to finish his homework. How much time did he take to finish all his activities?
98 minutes