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Term 4 Grammar Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have ________been to Japan, but I hope I will go in the future.
Would you like some rice? No thanks, I have _________ eaten lunch.
already / just
Ughh! I have ______ eaten a spider! Give me some water!
Have you finished your homework _____ ? (Nope, I will do it later.)
The or - : I'm from ______ UK, but I've never been to _______ London.
the / -
Have you _______ been to the UK?
The or - : I'm from ______ USA, but I've never been to _______ Hawaiian Islands.
the / the
The or - : I'm from ______ Africa, but I've never been to _______ Sahara Desert.
- / the
O Conditional: If my mother is bored, she _________ candy crush on her phone.
0 Conditional: If Donovan __________ breakfast, he gets very bad-tempered.
doesn't eat
If I do good on my exams next week, my father _______ (give) me some money!
will give
Missing word???: Have you ______ been to the Rocky Mountains?
Do or Would: _______ you like coffee? (No. I prefer tea.)
Do or Would: _______ you like chicken pad Thai? (No. I prefer seafood.)
Do or Would: _______ you like some grilled pork? (Yes please. I am so hungry.)
Do or Would: _______ you like some green curry? (No thanks, I can't eat spicy food.)
The or - : _____ Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in ______ Himalayan Mountains.
- / the
The or - : _____ Nile River is in ______ Egypt which is in _______ Africa
The / - / -
The or - : _____ Amazon River flows into ______ Pacific Ocean.
The / the