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Horrible Harry Test #2 Chapters 4 & 5

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Think about the events from chapters 4 and 5. Make a TEXT TO WORLD CONNECTION.
Your teacher will decide if you earn the points!
Think about the events from chapters 4 and 5. Make a TEXT TO SELF CONNECTION.
Your teacher will decide if you earn the points!
a connection between the text and another text you have read
text to text
a connection between the text and events in the world
text to world
a connection between the text and your life or experiences
text to self
What were the main events in chapter 5?
The students perform the skit. Later, during recess everyone plays kickball together.
What were the main events in chapter 4?
The students eat the dirt pudding. Ida finds the gummy worm and is Goldilocks. The students practice the skit "Goldilocks and the Three Bugs."
What is the setting of chapters 4 and 5?
Sid's house & the school
Who is the author of "Horrible Harry Bugs the Three Bears"?
Suzy Kline
What did the students name their kickball team?
The Extraordinary Earwigs
The bears decided to keep the earwig as a pet. What did they name it?
What happened when Goldilocks (Ida) sat on the chairs?
An earwig was on the chair, so Goldilocks screamed.
What is the new title of the skit?
"Goldilocks and the Three Bugs"
Who found the worm and will be Goldilocks?
What was Harry's idea to help Ida and Mary decide who would be Goldilocks?
Whoever finds a worm inside their dirt pudding gets to be Goldilocks.
Use the vocabulary word "shiver" in a sentence.
Your teacher will decide if you earn the points!
Use the vocabulary word "scrumptious" in a sentence.
Your teacher will decide if you earn the points!
Definition: very very soft (playwright OR mushy)
Definition: objects that are used by actors during a skit or drama (props OR stage)
Definition: food that is extremely delicious and tasty (scrumptious OR mushy)
Definition: a raised floor or platform on which actors of a skit or drama perform (stage OR scrumptious)
Definition: to shake your body because you are cold, scared, or excited (mushy OR shiver)
Definition: a person who writes what people say in the drama or skit (playwright OR stage)
Use the vocabulary word "coated" in a sentence.
Your teacher will decide if you earn the points!
Use the vocabulary word "dedicated" in a sentence.
Your teacher will decide if you earn the points!
Definition: completely covered (coated OR dirt pudding)
Definition: something special like a song or poem that is made for or meant for someone (dedicated OR "good sport")
Definition: a delicious snack that is meant to look like dirt- it is usually made of chocolate pudding, crushed Oreos and gummy worms (dirt pudding OR coated)
dirt pudding
Definition: what we say if we were worried, but are not anymore (phew OR dedicated)
Definition: someone who has a positive attitude about winning or losing (phew OR "good sport")
"good sport"
Definition: inside of the hand, the part without fingers (coated OR "palm of his hand")
"palm of his hand"