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Optical Illusions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you see?
Can you identify a face in this coffee beans pile? Take your time, it is there. Focus on the bottom of the picture.
What can you see?
A mysterious face found on Mars. This is a real photo of the surface of Mars taken by Viking 1 in 1976.
What can you see?
There should be 11 faces on this picture. Average people see 4-6, sensible 8-10. The best see all 11, schizophrenics and paranoids 12 and more. And you? (don't
What can you see?
Can you find all 7 faces on this scary picture?
What can you see?
Rubin's vase is a classic example of multistable perception. The brain makes figure-ground distinction between the vase in the center (which is usually recogniz
What can you see?
Beautiful scene. But there is something more to it.
What can you see?
Who do you like more - women or saxophone players?
What can you see?
Help this farmer find his wife. Hint: focus on his left leg and turn the picture upside down.
What can you see?
Another variation - however, here are not many faces but only a big one is hidden here. The yellow butterfly is the nose.
What can you see?
Are there really just flowers? Of course, not. There are many face silhouettes created by the flower contours.
What can you see?
See the face of a soldier and a man that is bending over on the below eye illusion.
What can you see?
You probably recognize the face in this painting (it is St. George), but if you look at his hair, you'll see that he is fighting a fire-breathing dragon. It's c
What can you see?
How many faces can you count on this Don Quijote painting by Octavio Ocampo?
What can you see?
An old couple - see profiles of faces - is remembering the times when they were young and full of life - see the sitting characters
What can you see?
Profile of Salvador Dali and a strange woman. Head of the female figure is also eye on the big face.
What can you see?
A landscape and the face of a bearded man by Sandro Del Prete. Nose in the center is also a man sitting and looking at the houses/eyes in the back.
What can you see?
Whole family mind teaser - father with mother and daughter
What can you see?
What can you see?