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Narrative Tenses
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is the correct form of the sentence?
Mary was sweating. She HAD RUN/HAD BEEN RUNNING for about two hours.
Which is the correct form of the sentence?
My sister was very upset when she CAME/WAS COMING back from school. She HAD BEEN FAILING/HAD FAILED the history exam.
Which is the correct form of the sentence?
I HAD BEEN HAVING/WAS HAVING a shower when suddenly the phone RANG/RINGED
Which is the correct form of the sentence?
I'D KNOWN /'D BEEN KNOWING Javier for many years and when I READ/WAS READING he WAS/HAD BEEN IN PRISON, I KNEW/WAS KNOWING there was a mistake.
Which is the correct form of the sentence?
The old man FISHED/WAS FISHING as usual when he SAW/WAS SEEING something strange.
Complete the Sentence
I ________________ (sunbathe) for two hours before it ____________ (start) to rain.
Complete the Sentence
When we ____________ (go) out for a walk last Sunday morning, the sun__________ (shine) and it _____________(be) quite warm.
Complete the Sentence
You ___________ (not, sleep) when I _____________ (return) last night.
Complete the Sentence
As Claire ____________ (dust) the furniture, she ___________ (break) her mum’s vase.
Complete the Sentence
Mr.Roberts __________ (work) int he company for six years before it ________(go) bankrupt.
Complete the Sentence
_______________ (Simon and Alice, get) married last summer?
Complete the Sentence
My sister __________ (never, be) to the circus before last week.
Complete the Sentence
When Ginny ____________ (see) me yesterday, I _____________ (cross) the street.
Complete the Sentence
When he ____________ (wake up), his mother _____________ (already/prepare)___________breakfast.
Which is the correct form of the sentence?
Last year, my wife and I BOUGHT/WERE BUYING our first house.