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M1 - Verb Tense
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John โ€“ never โ€“ smoke (present simple)
John never smokes
They โ€“live โ€“ here โ€“ 1940 (present perfect continuous)
They have been living here since 1940
I โ€“ just find โ€“ new house (present perfect simple)
I have just found a new house
Jack โ€“ have โ€“ party (present continuous)
Jack is having a party.
I โ€“ read โ€“ book (present perfect continuous)
I have been reading a book.
You โ€“ finish โ€“ your โ€“model plane? (past simple)
Did you finish your model plane?
You- ever โ€“ go โ€“ church โ€“ Sundays? (present perfect simple)
Do you ever go to church on Sundays?
While โ€“ Susan โ€“ take pictures โ€“ Charlie โ€“ watch โ€“ her (past continuous)
While Susan was taking pictures, Charlie was watching her.
It - rain โ€“three hours (present perfect continuous)
It has been raining for three hours.
They โ€“ spy โ€“ on us (past perfect continuous)
They had been spying on us.
I โ€“ go โ€“ to the doctor โ€“ next Monday (future continuous)
I will be going to the doctor next Monday
We โ€“ take โ€“ the beautiful one (future simple)
We will / are going to take the beautiful one.
John and Sheila โ€“ marry โ€“ on Wednesday (present continuous)
John and Sheila are marrying on Wednesday.
You โ€“ ride โ€“ a camel โ€“ in Egypt? (past simple)
Did you ride a camel in Egypt?
. Where โ€“ he โ€“ go? (present perfect simple)
Where has he gone?
I โ€“ cannot โ€“ go out โ€“ last night (past simple)
I could not go out last night.
. I โ€“ find โ€“ this cap โ€“ this morning (present perfect simple)
I have found this cap this morning.
He said โ€“ Mum โ€“ already โ€“ go โ€“ out (past perfect simple)
He said his Mum had already gone out.
I โ€“ come โ€“ at 7 (going-to future)
I am going to come at 7.
She โ€“ get โ€“ up โ€“ now? (present continuous)
Is she getting up now?
Jane โ€“ not able to โ€“ walk โ€“ after the accident (past simple)
Jane was not able to walk after the accident.
He โ€“ ever โ€“ visit โ€“ grandmother? (present perfect simple)
Has he ever visited his grandmother?
What โ€“ you โ€“ think โ€“of England? (present simple)
What do you think of England?
. We โ€“ can- climb โ€“ mountain (past simple)
We climbed the mountain