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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read and spell.
Read and spell.
runny nose
Do you have a toothache?
Yes, I do.
What's wrong?
I have a fever.
? / a / you / headache / Do / have
Do you have a headache?
wrong / ? / What's
What's wrong?
Read and spell.
Read and spell.
How does the soup taste? (too...to...)
It is too hot to eat.
to / salty / It / too / . / eat / is
It is too salty to eat.
How does the lemon taste?
The lemon tastes bad / sour.
The / . / smells / cake / good
The cake smells good.
Read and spell.
Read and spell.
How can we get to Japan?
You / We can get to Japan by plane.
Can we get to the USA by taxi?
No, you / we can't.
get / can / there / ? / How / we
How can we get there?
car / get / we / Can / ? / by / there
Can we get there by car?
Read and spell.
Read and spell.
the UK
Where is the school?
It's in the north of the city.
Where are you from?
I am from Taiwan.
the / ? / restaurant / is / Where
Where is the restaurant?
you / are / ?/ Where / from
Where are you from?
Read &spell.
go fishing
Read & spell.
What do you want to do?
I want to go swimming.
do / ? / want / do / What / you / to
What do you want to do?
How's the weather?
It's rainy.
the / How's / ? / weather
How's the weather?