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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favorite activity in the Bilingual classes?
Personal answer
What is your favorite way of learning English?
Personal answer
Say 5 words in English that start with P
Pen, pencil, pear, purple, pineapple, pink, power, etc
Say 5 words in English that start with D
Dinosaur, door, doll, disk, delicious, donkey, duck, dog...
Who is your English Teacher at CBM?
Túlio or Cris
What is the best opportunity you have to learn English?
In our classes!!!!!
Name 3 TV shows that are originally in English
FRIENDS, Anne with an E, Mandalorian, ER, Grey's anatomy, Wanda Vistion
Name 3 games that are originally in English.
Among us, Free fire, Fortnite, Fifa
TRUE or FALSE? English is the world's first language.
False. English is the world's second language. Mandarin and Spanish are the first.
TRUE or FALSE? English is the official language in 53 countries.
True, 400 million people speak English as their first language.
TRUE or FALSE? It is impossible to learn English without studying in an English speaking country.
False!!!! Lots of people have never been there and are fluent!
Say 1 thing you can do to improve your READING
Read magazines, blogs, famous people's Twitter or Instagram, famous newspapers
Say 2 things you can do to improve your SPEAKING
Talk to the teacher, repeat lines from movies, use a cellphone app, record audios to the teacher
Say 3 things you can do to improve your LISTENING skills.
Listen to music, watch movies in English, use UNOi plataform, watch Youtube videos
TRUE or FALSE? Learning a language helps you to see things from a different perspective.
TRUE, totally TRUE. It is a different culture!
TRUE or FALSE? There are more than 65000 languages in the world.
False. There are more than 6500
TRUE or FALSE? It is good to read a text you wrote from the end to the beginning when we want to check the spelling of words.